Thursday, January 10, 2013

Embarkation Day and Orientation Day

Wow, yesterday was a busy day! The students arrived on busses from San Diego starting around 10am. We actually got a few things done in the library before they arrived, such as adding reserve books requested by professors and adding titles to the film loop list that shows on cabin TVs. We have had a steady stream of faculty with questions about their reserves and film loop requests, and that continued in the morning.

When the students arrived, we switched into information desk mode. We didn't know all the answers but we found them out as we went along.

Once all the students and lifelong learners were aboard (including Grandpa!), we had a short meeting with all 9 of our library work study students. I hope to post profiles of them, one at a time, over coming blog posts. They are a terrific bunch from diverse backgrounds.

After dinner, there was a big welcome session in the Union, where all faculty were introduced to the students. Well, almost all faculty. Poor Olivia did not get her seasickness medication in early enough, and was feeling the effects of the seas, and her absence in the Union was explained that way by Deans Sharon and Tom. This morning she is fine, but having to answer everyone's questions about how she is feeling!

Today we are in student orientation most of the day. Olivia and just finished our library introduction to the whole student body about 15 minutes ago, it went very well.

What is the rest of the family doing? Yesterday, Grandpa arrived. It was an amazing moment to see my dad walk into the SAS library. He went through the arrival process, attended the lifelong learner orientation in the afternoon, and got himself settled in his room with Jr. There was some negotiation about where the Legos needed to move, and Jr swapped beds to give Grandpa the spot nearer the outlet for his computer. Fortunately, Jr's clothes are small and he doesn't have many, so Grandpa has lots of space for his things.

Sr and Jr made one last run into Ensenada yesterday while the students were boarding. Sr braved a haircut in Ensenada. Too bad he didn't learn the Spanish for "short on the sides, long on top" before sitting in the chair. He still looks like himself though, we'll post some pictures later. 

Classes start tomorrow, and that will be the beginning of our more regular routine. The library will be open 8am-11pm (that's 0800 to 2300) on class days, staffed by Olivia, me, and the students. Until we get to Hilo, Hawaii on January 15, Olivia and I will spend a lot of time in the library supporting and training students. Both Sr and Grandpa are excited about the classes they will be auditing. Jr is less excited about starting his homeschool activities with Sr in the morning, but he was very excited with all the students boarding yesterday. I think he shares all of our feeling that this is finally the real deal!

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